My first chapbookUp River” from Mondo Bummer (MB #52). 2024.

A poem and collaboration with Creative Growth writers “Translations and Substitutions: Poetry Exercises in Anti-Ableism” on Open Space. October 20, 2021.

Essay “How Fine the Air Was” on Open Space. September 9, 2021.

Poems (poems?) in issue 3 of Panda’s Friend, a zine by poet Brandon Brown (page 28-32). October 15, 2019.

Essay “When Your Immigrant Mother Fights For Your Education—And You Fail” on Catapult. October 1, 2018.

Essay "Capacity" on Vinyl. February 3, 2016.

A reading for “Under the Influence” reading series at The Emerald Tablet in San Francisco, June 27, 2014.